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technology for Change

When your goals and your technology are aligned, everything is possible.

A passion for empowering IT for nonprofit organizations.
For nonprofit organizations that serve the public good, foundations that further social causes or institutions that provide a public benefit, Information Technology plays a crucial role in services delivery, operations, communications, fundraising and collaboration.

Because nonprofit organizations (NPOs) tend to focus their resources on maximizing their services impact, IT budgets are often a lower priority. Poor
or dated IT infrastructure, support limitations and data security vulnerabilities often plague even the most dedicated NPOs, weakening organizational effectiveness, or worse, threatening operations or exposing sensitive data. Budgetary constraints limit the interest and minimize the efforts of most 3rd party IT service companies.

But not at Ashton.

Ashton Solutions is a Cleveland area-based strategic IT provider serving clients across Ohio, and nationally. We do that with a passion for empowering organiza- tions that serve the public interest. It’s part of our values and our mission. While we have grown by helping businesses succeed, over nearly 30 years of operation our most rewarding relationships continue to be assisting nonprofits — including educational institutions, healthcare, charities, civic organizations, and public assets such as museums and gardens — with partnerships that span decades.

Organizations we serve.
We are honored to work with numerous NPOs including:

  • Hattie Larlham – provides care and support, enhancing the quality of life for more than 1,600 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Ohio.
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio – provides assistance, support, lodging and hope to thousands of families whose children are receiving medical care each year.
  • Hiram House Camp – for 125 years, has helped shaped the lives of countless children from all backgrounds through exceptional summer camp programs and experiences.
  • Hopewell – a farm-based residential treatment program for adults with severe mental illnesses.
  • The Holden Arboretum and Cleveland Botanical Garden – the 12th largest public garden in the country with an annual attendance of over 350,000 visitors.
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Mary Horoszko, Chief Development Officer for the non-profit Hattie Larlham Foundation discusses the value of their IT partnership with Ashton Solutions.

We deliver savings for nonprofit organizations.
Ashton offers preferred pricing and discounts for eligible NPOs:

  • 20% discount on hardware

  • Discounted software licenses for qualifying organizations

  • Most importantly, we understand and work within budgetary constraints of our clients, with cost-effective, optimized solutions tailored to their specific needs and budgets.

We manage the risks that keep you up at night.
Today, NPOs have become a prime target for cyber threats and data vulnerabil- ities, often due to low-barrier security measures, sensitive personal information, and donor financial data. To mitigate these risks, Ashton provides the following solutions to our NPO clients:

  • Managed or co-managed solutions, tailored to the requirements of NPO internal IT staffing and resources.
  • Robust security measures, including next-generation firewalls and advanced endpoint protection that drastically reducing the likelihood of trojans, DDOS, crypto variants, malware, spyware or other evolving threats.
  • MDR (Managed Detection and Response), offering 24/7 SOC (Security Opera- tions Center) monitoring, response, and remediation.
  • Proactive prevention against data breaches, including external and internal threats, and documented compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Optimized IT infrastructure, including network monitoring and maintenance, plus hardware and software updates to ensure optimal performance.
  • On-call, responsive technical support to ensure a reliable IT environment.
  • Implementation and management of collaborative tools, such as cloud-based platforms and communication applications, enabling secure, seamless information shared across teams, campuses or multiple locations.

At Ashton Solutions, we structure our services to be of the highest strategic and organizational value to your teams, your organization and your service mission. We’re deep, hands-on and responsive. We listen. We think. We understand. It’s our highest obligation to you. Because when your goals and your technology are aligned, everything is possible.

For nonprofit organizations, IT plays a crucial role

Photo use courtesy of Hattie Larlham and Hiram House Camp

How technology can help your mission.

Download our case study to learn how Ashton helps create positive change at Nonprofit organizations.

Enough about us. Let’s talk about you.

If what we do sounds like what you need, we’re keen to learn and
discuss, in-person or remotely.